The multidisplinary team at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont provides care to patients from various regions of Quebec and the Maritime provinces. Our hospital is one of three specialized reference centers for the treatment of musculoskeletal tumors in Quebec. We see over 400 new patients each year who are treated for malignant sarcoma tumors or benign lesions. We work in partnership with Hôpital Sainte-Justine for children with sarcoma.
Le jeune Bouchervillois Pascal Lafontaine a maintenant officiellement un fonds à son nom dédié à la recherche sur les sarcomes, un type de cancer très rare. En créant ce fonds géré par l’Université de Montréal, ses parents ont voulu poser un geste concret pour aider les personnes qui se battent contre cette terrible maladie.
A clinical study under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Noujaim is aiming to reprogram a patient's immune cells to specifically fight this cancer. For the first time in medical history in Quebec, a patient with solid cancer has been treated with cellular therapy.
To ensure better care for people with this type of cancer, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Gaétan Barrette, announced today the establishment of a cancer network for musculoskeletal sarcomas - skeletal.